Unique Immersive

3D Storytelling

Experience, Collect, and Share Interactive Snapshots of Ancestors, Historical Places, and More

A green and white logo with leaves in the middle.

Making History Personal Through Interactive 3D Storytelling

Embark on a unique journey of discovery with AncestoriesXR.com. Our immersive 3D interactive storytelling platform allows you to experience, collect, and share interactive snapshots of ancestors, artifacts, characters, and historical places, making history a personal adventure.

A group of people standing in front of a building.
A woman is looking at an old photo album

Uncover the Fascinating Tapestry of Ordinary Lives

Founded in early 2020, AncestoriesXR.com emerged from a passion for making family history interactive and engaging. After connecting with enthusiastic genealogists at RootsTech, we collaborated with a 3D artist to develop a workflow that transforms genealogy into an enjoyable 3D experience, including an interactive family tree. Now, with an optimized workflow, we're refreshing our site to offer a seamless journey into the past, where every detail matters.

Step into the past and make history personal with AncestoriesXR.com. Uncover your roots in immersive 3D storytelling – start your interactive genealogical journey today.